Register for Trainings

  • Register for Trainings

Training Registration

Class: Fair Housing Foundations (3 Hours of Civil Rights Credit)
Date: 4/3/2025
Time: 12pm-3:15pm
Site: Giant Eagle Market District
Address: 2687 State Rd.
Cuyahoga Falls
Registration Fee:  The Ohio Housing Finance Agency does not assess a fee for this training.

Training Questions: Please send your questions, comments and feedback to Jonathan Duy.

Reasonable Accommodation Request: To request a reasonable accommodation due to a disability please contact DeHavlyn Wainwright, ADA Coordinator, no later than 48 hours prior to event.

Registration Form

* required fields

Step 1: Please Enter Your 6 or 10 Digit Real Estate License Number
If you have a 6 digit license number the form will automatically add 4 preceding zeros to complete 10 digits


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