Free Online Continuing Education for Real Estate Agents

  • Online Training Courses

**If you would like to register for an in-person CE class please go back to the previous page. Choose the date of the class you will be attending and click "Register". This webpage is only for those who are registering to take our web-based CE classes.**

Continuing Education Registration Instructions

Welcome to the Ohio Housing Finance Agency's continuing education website! There are several free courses in the online learning management system. Please click on the "New Attendee Registration" icon and enter the corresponding course code for whichever course you are taking. If you have previously taken online courses through OHFA, please click on the "Previous Attendee" icon. Contact Jonathan Duy at with any questions regarding the training.

OHFA Homeownership Programs (1 hour of elective credit) = Code: 123
Removing Barriers to Homeownership (3 hours of Civil Rights credit) = Code: 456

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