National Standards for the Physical Inspections of Real Estate (NSPIRE)
On September 18, 2023, HUD's Community Planning and Development (CPD) Office extended the compliance date for NSPIRE to October 1, 2024, for programs, such as the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Solution Grants (ESG), Continuum of Care (COC), and other CPD programs.
Since OHFA is the Participating Jurisdiction (PJ) for HOME and NHTF units, we plan to follow this timeline for implementing NSPIRE for HOME, NHTF, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), Ohio Housing Trust Fund (OHTF) , 811, and any other OHFA-funded programs that require physical inspections. OHFA will make any necessary changes in the event formal guidance is released from the IRS about implementing NSPIRE for LIHTC projects.
OHFA highly recommends our industry partners train their staff on the new NSPIRE protocol. Be proactive over the next 11 months to attempt to get your projects "functionally adequate, operable, and free of health and safety hazards." U.S. Housing Consultants has provided a free NSPIRE manual that is available to the public.
NSPIRE Resources
- The Final NSPIRE Standards Notice
- HUD NSPIRE Standards New
- National Standards for Physical Inspection of Real Estate
- HUD has announced that as of October 1, 2023, NSPIRE will officially replace UPCS and will update 24 CFR 902.20
- HUD – NSPIRE Resources
- HUD – NSPIRE Terms and Definitions
- HUD – NSPIRE Inspectable Areas
- HUD's Email for HOTMA Questions