A Roof Over Your Head: Mental Health in Trying Times

Mental Health

There are many stigmas that surround mental illness. These stigmas paired with the lack of mental health resources results in many failing to receive the treatment they need. This can wreak havoc on individuals and families, leaving them overwhelmed caring for a loved one that they do not know how to help. When a support system is not available, those with mental illness are vulnerable to homelessness and incarceration.

In the latest episode of the Doorsteps Podcast, Dr. Cody Price is joined by Terry Russell, Executive Director of NAMI Ohio, a grassroots organization advocating for mental health issues. Since 1982, NAMI Ohio has affected public policy and legislation regarding care of those affected by mental illness. The organization works to educate the public on stigmas, how to support those with mental illnesses and available resources.

At NAMI Ohio, the motto goes: you can't get better if you don't have a roof over your head, food in your stomach and somebody who knows your name. With the mission to improve the quality of life for persons with serious mental illness, NAMI Ohio's efforts have not gone unchallenged. From NIMBYism to the recent struggles brought on by COVID-19, this episode of Doorsteps covers those challenges and ongoing threats to mental health care in Ohio.

For more from the Office of Research and Analytics, visit our website and follow us on Twitter @ohiodoorsteps. To support NAMI Ohio in their efforts, click here.

The views and opinions expressed in Doorsteps are those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect those of the Ohio Housing Finance Agency.